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17. 07. 2003

Journalist association slams the vote

BELGRADE, 17 July, 2003 - The Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS) did not feel the need for the diplomacy shown by Mr. Scheffer, as they called for a repeat of the election of the country's media monitoring body, following what was decribed as yesterday's demonstration of a Milosevic-era coalition in parliament running roughshod over allegations of irregularities. MPs from the prime minister's Democratic Party, Slobodan Milosevic's Socialist Party of Serbia and the Party of Serbian Unity founded by murdered paramilitary Zeljko "Arkan" Raznatovic backed the appointment of three members to the Council despite warnings from local and international media watchdogs that they were illegal and politically compromised. NUNS said the events of yesterday prompted concern that the work of the Council would in future be influenced by political interests and political power. Moments after the vote, the Council issued a statement on behalf of two of the disputed appointees - Nenad Cekic and Vladimir Cvetkovic - accusing B92 editor in chief Veran Matic of orchestrating a "witch hunt". They also demanded an investigation into his business dealings. NUNS noted the right of an individual to request an investigation into the dealings of any media house, but said it was indicative of the situation that the Council should point the finger at none other than B92.

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