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11. 09. 2003

New members for Broadcast Council

BELGRADE, September 11, 2003 – The Broadcast Agency Council expects new appointments to replace Snezana Milivojevic and Vladimir Vodinelic, both of whom have resigned from the Council, within the next few days. The Association of Professional Broadcasters said yesterday that writer and teacher Filip David would be the media sector’s candidate to replace Milivojevic and that Nedeljni Telegraf journalist Aleksandar Vasic would be proposed by the Association of Independent Journalists. The Association has already criticized the nomination, saying that the establishment of the Council had been illegal and it was not taking part in any nomination. The Association has called for the entire Council to be re-elected in the interest of its own credibility. Unlike the media sector, the civil rights sector has given no indication of its planned nomination to replace Vodinelic.

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