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17. 09. 2003

Vranje weekly sued

VRANJE, September 17, 2003 – Vranje newspaper seller Dragan Stojanovic has sued Vranje weekly "Novine Vranjske" "for suffering and mental anguish sustained” after his photo was published alongside the article “Fishing in troubled waters” on June 19. Stojanovic says he “never gave his approval for the photo to be published” and has requested 400,000 dinars compensation, plus interest and legal fees. Novine Vranjske owner Vukasin Obradovic said that under the new Information Act, Stojanovic has grounds to sue. "Although all this seems a bit ridiculous, because his photo wasn’t taken in his bedroom, or at a nudist beach or behind some fence, but at a sports match dressed as a fan, the law allows him to sue us. These are the privileges that the new government has given us and him,” he explained.

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