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26. 01. 2006


BELGRADE, January 26, 2006 – The call for the broadcast licenses competition has been announced in Belgrade daily Politika. The broadcasting system in Serbia should thus be regulated by the beginning of July at the latest, while the competition called by the Broadcast Agency envisages five networks for radio and TV program broadcasting on the territory of Serbia, one radio and TV network for program broadcasting on the territory of Vojvodina and six networks for TV and 14 for radio program broadcasting in Belgrade region. The stations have 60 days for sending applications and requested documentation for the competition. The Broadcast Agency will announce the list of all applicants within 7 days after the envisaged date for applications, that is, by the beginning of April. The Agency will decide on the applications within 90 days (beginning of July). The application form for the competition can be issued at the offices of the Broadcast Agency or downloaded from the Agency’s official website.

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