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04. 02. 2006


BELGRADE, February 4, 2006 – Editor of the RTS Third Channel Igor Miklja accused the Republic Broadcast Agency Council of obstruction of sale of RTS Third Channel. Chairman of the Broadcast Agency Council Nenad Cekic explained this allegation: “It is very simple. RTS will be shut down as a company, together with all its three channels. The frequencies that RTS has been using will be allocated to broadcasters through the frequency allocation public competition. The company will develop two completely new companies, the First and Second Channel. They will become a public service broadcaster with their broadcasting networks. The public competition envisages five more networks on national level. The Broadcast Act prohibits provides that the Third Channel as an institution founded by the state cannot compete for the national frequency. I am sorry, but the law is very precise. Hence, the Third Channel must be shut down. However, under the Act, the staff of this media outlet cannot be automatically sacked. They will probably be integrated into two channels of the future public service broadcaster.” According to Cekic, the transmitters currently used by the Third Channel are part of the unique broadcasting equipment of RTS, which would be apportioned between the two institutions of the new public service broadcaster of Serbia and Vojvodina. “According to information we have, 3K does not own any other valuable equipment. If it does, by any chance, that equipment belongs to the public company RTS”, said Cekic.

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