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13. 02. 2006


BELGRADE, February 13, 2006 – According to Danas, by the end of April 2006, RTS should get completely new management and statute by which it should transform itself into the public broadcasting service. Media speculated on the possible candidates for the future RTS General Manager. According to them Aleksandar Tijanic, Zoran Predic, Aleksandar Crkvenjakov and Milorad Vucelic were seen as future candidates. Professor from the Faculty of Political Science Miroljub Radojkovic accused the Government and management of this media house of postponing the process of transformation of RTS into the public broadcasting service. Deputy Chairman of the Republic Broadcasting Agency Council Aleksandar Vasic said that speculations regarding the postponement of deadlines for the appointment of the new management could not be made in advance. Vasic added that the real test for the Government was division of assets and added that the Ministry of Culture had formed a commission that would be in charge of this process. Director of TV Beograd Aleksandar Avramovic denied speculations regarding the possible obstruction of RTS management in transforming RTS into the public broadcasting service.

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