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02. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 2, 2006 – A branch of media mogul Rupert Murdock’s New Corporation will be participating in the public competition for national television frequency in Serbia. News Corporation Vice President Martin Pompadour stated that the Serbian Government is holding a fair and open competition which promises public participation, and that the global and regional television experience of the News Corporation will bring competitiveness and credibility to the Serbian market. Pompadour said that the planned programming of the company includes information and entertainment programs, and that the News Corporation plans to play an important role in the development of production houses in Serbia because a large portion of the programming would be produced in Serbia. The News Corporation’s headquarters are in New York, though it works on all continents. The company has numerous branches in the media and entertainment businesses. Among the channels run by Murdock’s company are Sky, The Times and Fox.

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