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12. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 12, 2006 – Nadezda Gace was elected new President of Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS) yesterday. Gace was elected by secret voting among other candidates for the position – Marijana Milosavljevic, Petar Lazic, Filip Mladenovic and Vera Jankovic. Speaking at the regular Assembly, new NUNS President said in the future, the association should aim to improve the professionalism of journalists and their protection, as well as to enable fulfillment of freelance journalists’ rights. The Assembly also elected Ljubica Gojgic, Djordje Vlajic, Dragan Janjic, Danijela Segan, Aleksandar Arsenijevic, Dragan Bisenic, Radoman Iric, Rade Radovanovic, Natasa Bogovic and Branko Vukotic as members to the Executive Committee for the two-year period. In addition, members of the Court of Honor, Regulatory Council and Committee for admission of new members have also been elected at the session. Around 230 members of the NUNS adopted the report on work of the association for the past two years, presented by the then president Nebojsa Bugarinovic. The members also adopted the new statute of the association and Draft Code of Serbian Journalists, initiated by the two associations, NUNS and Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS). The public debate on the Draft Code was announced for March 23, with chief editors of all media outlets.

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