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11. 03. 2006


PODGORICA, March 11, 2006 – The majority of Montenegrin media and professional associations have signed the Code of Conduct in the pre-referendum period in Montenegro. The Code is produced by the Association of Independent Electronic Media of Montenegro (UNEM) for the Montenegrin electronic and print media. The Code will be presented on Thursday, March 16 in Belgrade and offered to media in Serbia that are distributed or broadcast in Montenegro. All signatories of the Code voluntarily had agreed to respect the principles of independent, objective, fair and balanced reporting on the referendum campaigns of all interested parties in this political process. The media will support and promote different political views and opinions and will not allow the privileged status to neither of two blocks of participants in the referendum campaign. Further, the reporting on regular conducts of the state bodies, high officials and members of the Government must not be misused for promotion of political ideas. The signatories of the Code will not inspire or use the hate speech, and should allow the political advertising space to all interested political subjects under equal conditions.

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