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22. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 22, 2006. – Chief editors of most of Belgrade media agree that the draft of the unified Code of Ethics for Serbian journalists is acceptable and essential. At the presentation of the Code at the OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro it was noted that this document, prepared by the working group of the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS) and Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS), should be signed by all editorial offices, but it still remained to be solved how the relations with owners would be regulated. Representatives of both associations and editors stressed the importance of the joint work on the Code and mechanisms for its implementation and agreed that Media Council should be formed to regulate the media that are ready to respect ethical principles of the profession. The media failing to comply with the Code would be obliged to make public the statement of the Media Council, while those doing it frequently would end up losing the credibility and influence on the media market.

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