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14. 04. 2006


PIROT, April 14, 2006 – Municipal media company “Sloboda” which operated through two electronic and one print media, is prepared for privatisation after Pirot Municipal Council’s adoption of the recommendation for the division of this company. The company “Sloboda” is thus divided into three separate media – TV Pirot that takes 39 percent of the total capital, (around 16.5 million dinars – close to 190 thousand euros), Radio Pirot with 31 percent (around 12.2 million dinars or around 140.000 euros) and weekly Sloboda with 30 percent or 11.5 million dinars (132 thousand euros) of the total capital of now former company “Sloboda”. The Council also brought decision on the disputed 88 square meters of the office space that TV station has been using as a studio. The broadcaster will continue to rent the space for the next 5 years. The right to use the equipment, that is, transmitters located in Pirot surroundings, has been divided to 52:24:24 in favor of the television. Also, the Municipal Council adopted new companies’ statutes and members of the managing and regulatory boards, which enabled the further individual privatisation of each media outlet.

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