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20. 04. 2006


DUBROVNIK, April 20, 2006 – Two journalists of the Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti were attacked on assignment in Dubrovnik. Sports journalist Dejan Ignjatovic and photographer Pedja Milosavljevic were attacked yesterday afternoon while covering the Euro League quarterfinal waterpolo game between Belgrade’s Partizan and Croatian Jug. A group of six Croatian club supporters unexpectedly attacked the journalists in the heart of Dubrovnik, injuring them and destroying their equipment. „The two of us were attacked in a narrow street in Dubrovnik probably because the guys heard us speaking in Serbian language. We tried to defend ourselves in a half-a-minute long fight, however, they’ve cut my nose and hurt my colleague’s arm while trying to protect his face“, said Ignjatovic. The Croatian fans went even further and directed their anger to journalists’ equipment. „They’ve destroyed our lap top and photo camera. It all happened so fast. We were struggling to defend ourselves and had no time to think about our equipment“, Milosavljevic added. The two journalists managed to resist an attack and continue their work despite the injuries. „There were some people witnessing what had happened. When the hooligans ran away, a woman called us and offered help. She was standing in front of her home whith two daughters watching the whole thing. She said she couldn’t let us in because she was affraid, but she offered us some water and bandaid“, said Ignjatovic expressing his gratefulness.

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