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21. 04. 2006


BELGRADE, April 21, 2006 – TV Avala, B92, Fox, Pink and Kosava-Happy television were awarded the rights to broadcast on a national level by the Broadcast Agency Council. Failed bids were meanwhile received from – amongst others – BK TV, RTL Group, and TV5 Nis, with another (TV Politika) disqualified at the beginning of the process. TV5 from Nis expressed their disappointment with the Council’s decision saying none of outside-Belgrade stations were given the frequency. The Broadcast Agency deputy chairman Aleksandar Vasic said all participants have the right to submit an appeal within seven days, and if accepted the bids will be re-examined. In case of another disqualification, the stations will have the right to seek court rulings. Vasic said the Broadcast Council’s final decision was based on the Broadcast Act, Broadcast Development Strategy in Serbia till 2013 and relevant criteria available to public. He also said the winners at the competition had the majority votes of the Council’s members. Super TV was given a license to broadcast in the region of Vojvodina, whereas there were no applicants for the radio frequency in the province, so the competition will be repeated. National radio frequencies were handed out to Radio B92, Radio Index, Radio S, Roadstar and Radio Focus. The Telecommunication Agency (RATEL) will estimate the technical capacity of the future national broadcasters and should provide its assessment by the beginning of July.

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