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28. 04. 2006


NIS, April 28, 2006 – Nis-based TV 5 forwarded yesterday to the OSCE and several international media organisations the appeal in which they criticized the decision of the Broadcast Agency not to award them the national frequency and called on their assistance. “The allocation process was conducted contrary to the European standards. The Broadcast Agency has seriously violated the law by depriving us of the right to nationally broadcast the program despite the fact that, according to the audience surveys, we are the fifth most watched station in the South Serbia, and eighth in the country”, said director and Chief Editor of TV 5, Slavica Nikolic-Corbic. Commenting on the reports of the Broadcast Agency that Olivera Nedeljkovic, sister of Bogoljub Karic, is the co-owner of the station, Corbic said that, if that was the reason why the Agency decided not to allow them to broadcast nationally, then at least other 50 leading companies in Serbia should be closed on the basis of being associated with the business crime and corruption. “Karic’s investment in our station has never been concealed from the BA, nor has this fact ever has an effect on our editorial policy”, said Corbic. If the decision of the Broadcast Agency was based on time of operations of the stations, then TV5 would surely be awarded the national frequency, said Corbic. TV 5 was widely supported by local councils of many political parties, Serbian Renewal Movement, Democratic Party, Strength of Serbia Movement and Liberal Democratic Party among them. However, the Nis Mayor Smiljko Kostic and other local leaders had failed to issue any statement regarding the matter. Several NGO’s announced the petition signing activities as an act of support to this media outlet.

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