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14. 05. 2006


KRALJEVO, May 14, 2006 – Citizens of the Kraljevo municipality experience many problems to obtain information in line with the provisions of the Free Access to Public Information Act. After the intervention of the Information Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic on 123 complaints filed against the government bodies by the Kraljevo Municipality Civil Council, only 24 bodies allowed the access to requested information. Some institutions have never even heard of the Act. Director of the Civil Council Srdjan Cosic said that, after 98 complaints being recently handed personally to Sabic in Vrnjacka Banja, they hope for a fast decision on other requests for information demanded in Cacak, Kraljevo, Krusevac, Vrnjacka Banja municipalities and city of Kragujevac. In around 450 requests to the government bodies, filed by the Civil Council of the Kraljevo municipality, as the part of the project “monitoring of Free Access to Public Information Act implementation”, there are around 1.000 questions and 20 requests directed to elementary and secondary schools. “None of the authorities has felt the legal consequences for not implementing the Act, which only leads to some of its articles losing the sense. It is a bad pledge for the future of the legislation”, said Srdjan Cosic.

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