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21. 05. 2006


BELGRADE, May 21, 2006 – Journalists’ associations of Serbia and Vojvodina jointly protested yesterday over the manner in which the Broadcast Council brought and implemented its decisions. The professional associations said the Agency were violating fundamental media freedoms secured by the Constitution, Information Act and international documents. Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS), Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS), Independent Society of Vojvodina Journalists (NDNV) and Association of Vojvodina Journalists (NDV) issued a joint statement urging that the media should not be affected by different interpretations of the decisions by the highest instances in the country, like in the case of revoking broadcasting license to BK TV. “We remind the public of the principal rule that every decision, made by such respectable instances, must be respected. They can be publicly disputed, but never ignored or bypassed”, said in the statement.

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