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25. 05. 2006


PODGORICA, BELGRADE, May 25, 2006 – Parson of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Podgorica Velibor Dzomic denied all allegations of verbally attacking TV B92 crew on assigment. Belgrade TV B92 crew tried to take a statement from the Montenegrin opposition leaders in Podgorica’s minster. Dzomic said he “had not allowed access to two young people, only later proved to be journalists, to shoot certain opposition leaders in the house of worship”. “The minster was never a place for press conferences of political parties, nor it will ever be, regardless who the founder or financier of a media outlet is”, said Dzomic. The Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS) protested against Dzomic’s verbal attack on TV B92 journalists, or any similar case in which journalists were prevented to take the statement from the leader of the Serbian People’s Party Andrija Mandic. UNS criticized priest Dzomic for insulting the TV crew, reminding that journalists’ job was to inform the public and that the Church’s officials should also respect the right of the media to fulfill their assignments unobstructed.

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