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25. 05. 2006


BELGRADE, May 25, 2006 – TV BK is getting ready to start the program broadcast after the temporary ban, however, the Broadcast Agency warns it must not happen, since the station does not have a license. TV BK’s Chief Editor Milomir Maric said today that the station was preparing to start its program again on May 26, after the one month ban expired. The Supreme Court annuled the ban on May 19, however, the Broadcast Agency brought another decision to revoke the broadcast license to BK television for another month, starting from April 25. At the same time, the Agency rejected all pleas filed by BK TV, RTL and TV 5, objecting to the decision of the Agency not to award them with the national frequency on the recently held competition. According to Maric, TV BK can re-start its program broadcasting after the one month ban, since the process of frequency allocation has not yet been concluded and the Telecommunication agency needs yet to announce their results. The Broadcast Agency Council however maintains that TV BK is still legally unable to broadcast its program since its complaint to the Agency’s decision has been denied. According to the deputy chairman of the Council Aleksandar Vasic, the competition had been concluded with the Agency’s decision on the complaints of the unsuccessful candidates, after which they lost their right to broadcast the program.

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