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29. 05. 2006


BELGRADE, May 29, 2006 – A regional network of the independent journalists of Bulgaria and former Yugoslav republics is formed in Belgrade. The participants of the regional meeting, organised by the International Journalists’ Federation and Independent Association of Serbian Journalists and under the auspice of the European Commission, appealed to all freelancers in Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Bulgaria to “take active participation in accomplishing professional, legal and social rights in order to ensure the professional status in the society”. The freelancers’ need to participate in signing of the national collective agrement with their employers, which would determine their rights and obligations, was also concluded at the meeting. “Independent journalists must not be a cheap workforce or manipulated by the employers or any other authority, because it obstructs the investigative journalism and quality of the profession”, said in the minutes of the meeting. All journalists in the region, particularly the freelancers, have been sent the same message – that the solidarity, share of experience and moral, legal or any other support must be the base for further development and improvement of regional cooperation in this profession.

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