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15. 06. 2006


BELGRADE, June 15, 2006 (B92) - The IAJS has started an initiative for the cancellation of all further broadcasts of Serbian Parliamentary meetings. The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia said that the parliamentary meetings should be taken off the air because of the recent examples of hate talk. IAJS President Nadežda Gaće said that the hate talk of the Serbian Radical Party and the insults aimed at Minister Ivana Dulić-Marković are grounds enough for terminating the broadcasts, adding that the parliamentary meetings are usually misused as a method of marketing political parties. Gaće said that IAJS will be asking all media companies to support the initiative, stating that there will be no changes made if a unified stance is not presented. She also said that the broadcasting of hate talk goes against regulations of the Broadcasting Law, which will be the IAJS’s chief argument in trying to get the meetings taking off the air.

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