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19. 07. 2006


BELGRADE, July 19, 2006 (B92) - The parliament will continue its extraordinary meeting from yesterday with discussions of the Broadcasting Law. The parliament will continue its extraordinary meeting from yesterday with discussions of the Broadcasting Law. The changes proposed yesterday received strong criticism from the opposition, as well as from the OSCE and IAJS. The changes look to have the broadcaster implement, without delay, the decision of the Broadcast Council for revoking licences and stopping work, and in this case, immediately stop broadcasting programs that the Broadcasting Agency Council deemed unfit to broadcast. Also, the proposal will extend the deadline for the broadcasting of television programs from 60 to 120 days. Before the parliament goes back to what was started at yesterday’s meeting, there will be another extraordinary meeting where laws relating to the Police Academy will be discussed and a ratification of the agreement between Serbia and Montenegro for regulating membership in international financial organisation and a reorganisation of financial rights and obligations will be proposed. The abolishment of the Police Academy Law will enable the founding of the Criminology-Police Academy, which will unite the Police Academy and the College of Internal Affairs. The higher Education Law does not permit the existence of Colleges, and confirms that the police education regulations work on a regime of higher education. The agreement that was signed with Montenegro on July 10 allows Serbia to maintain membership in all international financial institutions upon the break-up of the federal union. Today’s parliamentary sessions will also include the election of members to the National Bank of Serbia’s Parliamentary Council and the National Council for Higher Education.

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