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07. 08. 2006


KURŠUMLIJA, August 7, 2006 (FoNet) - TV Kuršumlija Director Slavko Savić has been convicted to four months in jail for slander and libel charges. The charges against Savić were pressed by Municipal official Slavko Ilić because of insulting SMS messages which were shown by TV Kuršumlija which stated that Ilić stole a bottle of grape brandy from a convenience store. Savić said that this is a case of political persecution implemented by the government in Kuršumlija, led by the Democratic Party of Serbia, because of the criticisms of the work of local officials which TV Kuršumlija has been broadcasting. “With this conviction they are trying to silence every criticism and to, since I now have a conditional punishment, have me convicted for an effective prison term.” Savić said. Kuršumlija municipal officials deny Savić’s claims. In the meanwhile, Municipal President Slavoljub Čarapić has filed private charges against Savić as well for slander and libel broadcast on TV Kuršumlija.

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