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10. 08. 2006


BELGRADE, August 10, 2006 (B92) - Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) is concerned with the verdict handed to RTV Kuršumlija director Slavko Savić. ANEM considers the verdict a grave attack on the freedom of the media and as proof that it is the obsolete legislation that produces serious obstacles for the media. “The courts often show no understanding of the role and the position that journalists and the media have in our society, even in such cases where the law provides for the protection of journalist who have acted according to the highest professional standards”, ANEM communicated and reminded that the Law on Public Information stipulates that state officials and politicians enjoy limited privacy rights if the information in question is significant either for the public or to the office they hold. ANEM has made an appeal to the judiciary to consider all the legal acts when processing such cases, and to contribute to the defense of the right of the media to provide the public with the information it is entitled to.

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