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16. 08. 2006


BELGRADE, 16 August 2006, (B92)- As a result of a live verbal attack on B92, Duško Korać received a pre-termination warning. State television’s sports commentator Duško Korać has also been suspended for a month and will pay a fine. RTS’s general director Aleksandar Tijanić decided on the measures due to Korać’s unprofessional conduct during a live broadcast from the European Athletics Championship. Korać insulted and disparaged B92 because the B92 web site forum visitors criticized him. Korać’s remarks were denounced by the journalists’ associations. Đorđe Vlajić, NUNS deputy chairman, believes the punishment fits the crime: “Tijanić made a logical decision when he took these measures, and sent a message to Korać and others at RTS that any transgression related to professional conduct will be sanctioned”.

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