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28. 08. 2006


BELGRADE, August 28, 2006 (B92) - The EC expressed its concern over the Broadcasting Law amendments to the Serbian parliament speaker. Members of the EC, concerned about the recent amendments to the Broadcasting Law and their passing under an emergency procedure, have announced that a public debate should precede the new decision. All relevant participants are called on to take part in a debate on such a crucial issue, while the European Commission offers to provide technical support in the process. Beside the concern over the distribution of the broadcasting frequencies, the EC is worried about the fact that the parliament has, without appropriate consultations, adopted some controversial amendments on the Broadcasting Law, increasing the jurisdiction of the Broadcasting Agency which reflects negatively on the Agency’s independence in relation to the government. The European Commission will continue to monitor the situation related to this issue and will include it in its next regular report on the implementation of the main goals of the European partnership. The EC sent the letter to the Serbian government Deputy Prime Minister Ivana Dulić-Marković, as well as to the Minister of Culture Dragan Kojadinović, Chairman of the Culture and Information Council Aleksandar Lazarević, Chairwoman of the European Integrations Council Suzana Grubješić, Director of the European Integrations Office Tanja Miščević, Serbian Presidency Secretary-General Branko Radujko, and the Broadcating Agency president Nenad Cekić.

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