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01. 09. 2006


BELGRADE, September 1, 2006 (B92/Beta) - B92 has learned the President will make his decision on the Broadcasting law after the parliament has voted. The Serbian parliament had earlier adopted the amendments to the law, after which President Tadić refused to sign the official act declaring the amended law, and decided to return it to the parliament for a new vote. At the time, Tadić saw the adopted amendments as “seriously jeopardizing the independent nature of the Broadcasting Agency”. Earlier today, Beta reported that the Serbian president would not sign the same law if the parliament passed it for the second time. According to the Constitution, the president is obligated to sign the act to effect the law if the parliament passes it once again. The Parliamentary rules state that should president fail to sign the law, the speaker will then “inform the members of the parliament” on that development. The Constitution does not provide instruction on the procedure under such circumstances, but it does stipulate that 84 members of parliament can start an impeachment procedure based on the president’s breach of the constitution.

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