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29. 09. 2006


BELGRADE, September 29, 2006 (B92/Beta) - The Parliament has adopted the amendments to the Broadcasting Law which the Serbian President refused to sign on July 26. The Constitution stipulates that after the law has been adopted by the parliament for the second time, the president is obligated to sign it. The amended law allows the government, rather than the parliament, to agree to the Broadcasting Agency’s financial plan. The law further established the media outlets’ obligation to execute the Agency’s decision without delay, otherwise the decision on the revoking of the license will be forced. The Agency’s representative will also be entitled to seek assistance from the police. The deadline for the start of broadcasting from the date the license has been issued has been moved from 60 to 90 days. The media organizations that have been issued licenses are obligated to obtain the Broadcasting Agency’s permission for any change in the ownership structure. The amended law prohibits political advertizing outside the framework of election campaigns, and obligates the media to provide equal and fair conditions for all parties and candidates during the campaign. The Broadcasting Law was adopted in 2002. The proposed amendments caused severe criticism by the members of the expert public and the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

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