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11. 10. 2006


BELGRADE, October 11, 2006. (Beta) - The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) has announced that the changes to the Broadcasting law have taken effect. The RRA has called on all radio and television stations that did not receive licenses for broadcasting or did not ask for one, to stop their broadcasts and inform the agency that they have done so. The RRA stated that by following this procedure, the stations will avoid legal consequences and embarrassing prohibitions of broadcasts. The changes and additions or the Broadcasting Law were adopted by the Serbian parliament for the second time on September 29, and takes effect today. The changes and additions were first passed on July 19, and received much negative criticism from experts and international organizations. Serbian President Boris Tadić refused to sign the law on July 26, stating that the changes limit media freedoms. He signed the document on October 3 after the parliament passed the changes and additions for the second time.

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