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07. 04. 2007


NOVI SAD,  April 7, 2007 (B92) - MUP announced Friday that it detained Goran D. from Novi Sad suspected of having threatened a journalist.
A statement issued by the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) said that Dinko Gruhonjić, the journalist in question who received death threats, was placed under protection along with his family.

“Attempting to identifying persons who had threatened Gruhonjić, police carried out a search of Goran D.’s apartment in Novi Sad Friday,” MUP said in a statement.
Goran D. was interrogated Friday in Novi Sad police headquarters, remained in police custody for 48 hours, and is scheduled to appear before an investigative judge afterwards.
Dinko Gruhonjić, chairman of the Independent Journalist Association of Vojvodina and head of the Vojvodina branch of the independent news agency BETA, received anonymous death threats via a neo-Nazi Web site (Stormfront.org) last week, along with insults on personal, national and professional grounds.


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