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22. 04. 2007


BELGRADE, 22 April 2007 (B92) - The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has accused Delta Holding owner Miroslav Mišković of monopolizing media.

“The LDP caucus will submit an initiative to Parliament demanding an urgent formation of an inquiry committee to carry out an investigation into Delta Holding’s attempts to monopolize media,” LDP deputy Ivan Andrić told the press.

The LDP representatives said the initiative was provoked by recent speculations that Mišković halted distribution of the latest Status magazine issue that contained an interview with Vladimir Beba Popović, former head of the government information office who made several accusations against Mišković and his Company.

“We will insist that Parliament protect the freedom of speech which is, in our opinion, jeopardized by Miroslav Mišković and his Company,” Andrić added.

Delta Holding representatives refused to comment on the LDP’s allegations.

Miroslav Mišković entered the Forbes list of the world’s richest people in March 2007. He holds the 891st spot along with fifty other entrepreneurs whose net worth has been estimated at US$ 1bn.

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