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16. 10. 2007


NOVI SAD, 16 October 2007 (Beta) - A seminar on marketing in local media has concurred that the media market in Serbia is unorganized.

Media Studies Professor at Novi Sad Philosophy University, Dubravka Valić-Nedeljković, said that Serbia could not yet have a self-sustainable media owing to a continuing lack of organization within the market.

At round table discussions in the Vojvodina assembly today, she said that Broadcasting Law stated that all electronic media companies had to be privatized by the end of the year.

“However, licenses for broadcasting programs on electronic media at regional level have not been defined, and media groups interested in local licenses are nor even close to receiving answers on the questions that concern them,” she said.

Director of the Media Art Service, Rastislav Durman, said that EUR 120-180mn could be made on the media market.

OSCE advisor for electronic media, Duško Zavišić, said that TV stations, especially local ones, had to be aware that the marketing of a media company was the responsibility of an entire team involved in preparing quality television schedules.

“The basis of good marketing is having a quality schedule,” he said.
The seminar “Local and Regional TV Stations: The Marketing Potential of Underdeveloped Communities,” was organized by the Vojvodina Information Secretariat, Media Art Servis and the Novi Sad School of Journalism.


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