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13. 10. 2011

Less that 10 % of cases processed

Belgrade, October 13, 2011. (Danas) - Out of 212 physical and verbal assaults in the last four years, only 17 cases have been processed. However, authorities have been informed ...

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10. 10. 2011

The crystal picture is late

Belgrade, October 10, 2011 (Vecernje Novosti) - We will not get the digital television on time, neither the trial of a digital signal. The deadline for the digitalization ...

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06. 10. 2011

Velimir Ilic did not appear for trial

Belgrade, October 6, 2011 (Dnevnik) - Hearing on the complaint filed by Vladimir Jesic in 2011 against the president of Nova Srbija Velimir Ilic was again postponed yesterday ...

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04. 10. 2011

Domination on the Serbian media market?

Essen, Belgrade, October 4, 2011 (Danas) - Announced change of the ownership structure of the German media group VAC had been interesting for Serbia before another German ...

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03. 10. 2011

More money, less criticism

Belgrade, October 3, 2011. (Danas) - According to the data of the Anti-Corruption Council, the funds allocated for advertisement in the media by state institutions is not ...

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03. 10. 2011

Trouble as usual

Sombor, October 3, 2011. (Vecernje Novosti) - Assembly of Radio Sombor's Shareholders has appointed a new Board of Directors. Stipan Benic is new Acting Director. However ...

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03. 10. 2011

TV PIROT terminates the privatization

Pirot, October 3, 2011. (Pravda) - Majority owner of the regional TV Pirot Milorad Pejic requested the termination of the privatization contract from the Agency for Privatization ...

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03. 10. 2011


Prijepolje, October 03, 2011. (Vecernje Novosti) - Radio station Radio 033 announced that it had reduced to a minimum the form of the information on the work of local government's ...

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01. 10. 2011

Deger: We will carefully monitor the implementation of the Strategy

Belgrade, October 1, 2011. (Blic) - The Chief of EU Delegation to Serbia, Vincent Deger, said that the EU would carefully monitor the implementation of the recently adopted ...

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30. 09. 2011

Where will public service broadcasters be based?

The adopted text of the Media Strategy is now publicly availableBelgrade, September 30, 2011. (Danas) - In the Media Strategy adopted by the Serbian Government on Wednesday ...

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Pravni monitoring
ANEM campaigns


New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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