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06. 12. 2002

Danas Journalist Sued

NOVI SAD, December 6, 2002 - The trial of daily Danas journalist Marija Males before the Novi Sad Municipal Court on charges from Dusko Radosavljevic, deputy leader of ...

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06. 12. 2002

Kragujevac Gets New Magazine

KRAGUJEVAC, December 6, 2002 - The pilot issue of a new Kragujevac magazine "Crta" has hit the newstands. The owner of"Crta" is the City Assembly, the publisher is Radio ...

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04. 12. 2002

Media Disputes Resume in Pozarevac

POZAREVAC, December 4, 2002 - Deputy president of the “Rec naroda” public company's board of directors, Relja Petkovic, has filed charges in the local court against Pozarevac ...

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04. 12. 2002

Montenegrin Television Loses Editor

PODGORICA, December 4, 2002 – The acting editor-in-chief of Television Montenegro Nataša Novovic resigned her position on Monday ...

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04. 12. 2002

Tomic Loses Libel Complaint

BELGRADE, December 4, 2002 – The Belgrade District Court yesterday dismissed criminal libel charges against state media journalists Dragana Vasiljevic. The charges were ...

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02. 12. 2002

Court Enforces 1997 Media Conviction

KRAGUJEVAC, December 2, 2002 – The Kragujevac Court has issued an order for enforcement of a fine of 270,000 dinars (about 4,400 euros), imposed on the weekly Nezavisna ...

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28. 11. 2002

New Journalists Union

BELGRADE, November 28, 2002 – The Association of Serbian Journalists has founded a labour union for journalists. The new, independent organisation says it will protect ...

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28. 11. 2002

Union Demands Dismissal of RTS Director

BELGRADE, November 28, 2002 – The Independence Union’s branch in Radio Television Serbia has demanded the dismissal of general director Aleksandar Crkvenjakov and the company’s ...

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28. 11. 2002

Mihajlovic Threatens Libel

BELGRADE, October 28, 2002 – Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic has threatened to bring libel charges against journalists for their “impudence” in posing a question ...

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27. 11. 2002

Broadcast Agency Nominations “Next Week”

BELGRADE, October 27, 2002 – The final list of government nominations for the Broadcast Council is to be established next week, the president of the Serbian Parliament’s ...

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