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18. 02. 2009


Belgrade, February 18, 2009 – The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) protests against another delay in appointment of members of the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency after the mandates of two of its members have already expired.

It has been announced at the web site of the National Parliament of the Republic of Serbia that the procedure of appointment of the RBA Council's members was discussed at the session of the Culture and Information Committee held on February 17. The Committee has come to the conclusion that the authorized proposers had not submitted proposals with Council member candidates' names before the approved deadline; the deputies have unanimously agreed that the Committee should not be an arbiter in the issue of appointment of candidates for members of the Council and they are currently considering the possibility of repeating the complete procedure of nomination.

ANEM reminds that, in accordance with the provisions of the Broadcasting Law, a public invitation has been made six months ago for submission of proposals with lists of candidates for membership in the RBA Council. The public invitation was delivered to associations of broadcasters, journalists, film and theatrical artists and composers, as well as non-governmental organizations active in the field of protection of the freedom of speech, rights of national and ethnic minorities and children's rights. According to the Law, the authorized proposers should have agreed on two candidates to be backed by associations of  broadcasters, journalists, film and theatrical artists and composers, as well as another two candidates to be backed by non-governmental organizations.

ANEM points out that, in accordance with the request by the Culture and Information Committee, several meetings have been held of authorized proposers from associations of broadcasters, journalists, film and theatrical artists and composers, with the aim to agree on the list of candidates for membership in the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency. The list was made and agreed upon, but with 3 candidates, taking into consideration the right of each authorized proposer to independently propose their own candidate. This list has been delivered to the parliamentary Committee.

ANEM demands the Culture and Information committee to act in strict accordance with the Broadcasting Law and its provisions and to name candidates to be discussed and elected by the Parliament.

ANEM points out that it is unacceptable to avoid the enforcement of the law because of the fear of arbitrariness. On the contrary, it is precisely the enforcement of the law that ensures a non-arbitrary appointment procedure. ANEM concludes that any further postponement of appointment of members of the Republic Broadcasting Agency Council and any decision to repeat the complete appointment procedure, in violation of the law, shall be considered an additional pressure by the government on the authorized proposers with the aim to force them to propose only those candidates preferred by the government.

ANEM President, Saša Mirković

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