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08. 08. 2013

RBA Warned TV Pink

Belgrade, August 8, 2013 (Vecernje novosti) - The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) Council delivered a public warning to TV Pink on Wednesday due to the campaign against Blic. The RRA asked Pink to immediately stop leading the campaign against any individual or organization. A warning measure was pronounced to the television Pink due to breaking the Radio Broadcasting Law, Law on Informing and Code of Conduct for Broadcasters.

RRA did not decide yesterday to whom the national frequency, which remained vacant after the TV Avala had gone bankrupt, would be allocated to.

After the session, Dragan Lukic said that the new session would be held on Friday and that the members of the Council had ended the discussion but that they had thought that before reaching the decision it was necessary to once again study the enclosed competition documents.

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