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20. 08. 2013

OSCE supports digitalization process

Belgrade, August 20, 2013 (B92) - The OSCE has advised the Serbian Ministry of Trade to use the national frequency vacated by the shutdown of TV Avala in the digitalization process.

According to a letter deputy head of OSCE in Serbia Paula Thiede addressed to Minister Rasim Ljajić, which Tanjug has seen, the OSCE Mission is closely following the process of television digitalization in Serbia because of its importance for the future of electronic media and media pluralism in the country.

"I want to welcome the recent decision of the state broadcasting authority not to award the free national frequency to any of the tender participants, and urge you to dedicate the frequency to the digitalization process," said Thiede. 

"We understand there are a lot of obstacles in the process, including a lack of available frequencies, which is preventing the relevant public company from expanding its network for system testing, testing the installed equipment and organizing the parallel broadcasting of analogue and digital television signals, in the period leading up to the final deadline for the switch to digital broadcasting in June 2015," she wrote. 

The OSCE official said delayed or poorly conducted digitalization could be very detrimental to both the broadcasters and the citizens, adding that freeing up a frequency for the needs of digitalization would get the process started and enable the country to complete it in time. 

Taking into account the many benefits for the Serbian citizens, which include a better television signal, new channels and a wider array of programming, as well as an increase in the state's revenue from free frequencies, it is crucial to speed up the preparations for the switch to digital broadcasting, believes Thiede. 

She added the OSCE Mission is prepared to assist the Ministry and other relevant authorities to complete the digitalization process according to plan.

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