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13. 03. 2014


13.3.2014 (Danas; by B.Cvejić) - Most of the time in the main news programs of the national broadcasters since the beginning of the election campaign has been given to the representatives of the coalition gathered around the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and state officials representing this list - almost 36 percent, according to the analysis of the agency for media monitoring and analysis "Kliping" covering the period 2nd February - 9th March.

SNS is followed by the coalition SPS-PUPS-JS with 13 percent. Other parliamentary parties are less represented in the news programs - Democratic Party (DS), the coalition gathered around Boris Tadić, Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP) and United Regions of Serbia (URS). They have approximately the same share each in the total time count.

"Extraparliamentary parties and representatives of national minorities have received significantly less publicity. Serbian Radical Party (SRS) received around 3.88%, while some political actors received only several promilles, such as in the case of the list "It was Enough", led by Sasa Radulovic, said Ilija Vucevic from the agency "Kliping".

The analysis of the inclination of certain media to individual election lists shows that Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) has been the most objective and that all election lists, after the confirmation by the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA), have got mainly equal representation in the news programs of the national public service broadcaster.

On the other hand, private TV stations, such as Pink and Prva, gave more than one third of the total time dedicated to politicians to the coalition gathered around SNS, Vucevic added.

"Kliping" agency points out that after the protest of "Dveri", RTS dedicated significantly more minutes to this list than in the first weeks of the campaign. Therefore, "Dveri" is ahead of all extraparliamentary parties in the presence on the program of the public service broadcaster.

TV Happy dedicated a significant amount of time to the list "Third Serbia", and B92 was more inclined to the Serbian Radical Party than to other extraparliamentary actors.

A representative sample consisted of main news programs of national TV stations, i.e. Daily News 2 on RTS, News at 18.30 on B92, National News of the TV Pink, central news program of the TV Prva and Telemaster at TV Happy.

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