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30. 01. 2015

PC Press selects b92.net as best news website

30.1.2015 (B92) - BELGRADE -- b92.net has been recognized as best website in 2014 in the News category of PC Press magazine's traditional annual selection dubbed "Best Online Things".

At the same time, the b92.net's Windows phone application was chosen among the best mobile apps.

A PC Press statement said that the website was awarded for its content and universal, cross-platform presence.

"For many users B92 is the primary source of information, above all because it has adapted to all devices - you watch it on your TV when you're at home, you're informed via a browser running on your laptop when you're traveling, while there are mobile apps excellently adapted to each platform when you're on the move," the magazine said, and added:

"The key for the success is, of course, the news content covering various segments: politics, business, culture, sport, lifestyle, all the way to cars and IT. The competition in this space is strong and small details are decisive, and this year, it was B92's universal presence on all platforms that made the difference."

The website's Windows phone application was especially praised for its "small size and simplicity," and the ability to serve news and other content produced by the media outlet "in an unobtrusive manner."

The winners were presented with their awards in a ceremony held on January 29 in the Belgrade City Hall.

PC Press has been making its selection of best Serbian websites since 1997. The Tax Administration's website won in the Services category, while the British Council and the National Theater had best Knowledge Base and Life categories websites.

The best blog in 2014, according to the magazine, was Psihoverzum.

The Facebook page of the oil company NIS was declared best in the Social Networks category, while the Strauss Group received the audience award for best overall online performance.

TopEleven won in the Android app category, while SBB D3GO and Eurobank m-B@nking were best iOS and Windows Mobile apps in 2014, PC Press decided.

The ceremony was addressed by Deputy Mayor Andreja Mladenovic, RDNIS Director Danko Jevtovic, PC Press Editor-in-Chief Dejan Ristanovic, PC Press Director Vesna Carknajev, as well as the winners.

The Belgrade City Assembly was the sponsor of the event, while it was also supported by RNIDS and Pioniri Communications.



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