Media Scene
In Focus
25. 01. 2006
SEENAPB express serious concern for further destiny of commercial broadcasters following the announcement of a public competition for the issue of broadcast licenses in Republic of Serbia. The competition for allocation of broadcast licenses must be adequately prepared with active participation of professional associations. Setting broadcasting fees as such a high level may result in a scramble of ratings at the expense of program quality. One of the principles of the SEENAPB is the improvement of quality program contents and level of public communication and media expression and contribution to the development of truly democratic society in countries in transition. The broadcast field in Serbia has to be regulated by objectively taking into consideration all parameters, decisions and regulations, based on consultations with independent regulator and broadcaster, particularly concerning issuing of broadcast licenses. Role of independent regulator in democratic society is to establish and apply rules, which will enable the conduct, professional improvement and equal participation in the market for all broadcasters. Iris Luarasi Steering Committee of SEENAPB,
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